Article 4CYRP YouTube TV adds channels and raises price—you can’t opt out of either change

YouTube TV adds channels and raises price—you can’t opt out of either change

Jon Brodkin
from Ars Technica - All content on (#4CYRP)

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YouTube launched its competitor to cable TV two years ago, charging $35 a month, but it's now over 40 percent more expensive.

Google raised the price of YouTube TV to $40 in March 2018, and yesterday announced it's raising the price again, this time to $49.99. In both cases, the Google-owned streaming TV service paired the price hike with extra channels, but subscribers have to pay the new, higher price whether they want the new channels or not.

"To keep bringing you the best service possible, we are also updating our membership pricing," YouTube TV told subscribers in an email yesterday. "The price for new and existing members will be $49.99/month."

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