Article 4DBRJ Ketchup, handbags and consoles among US imports facing tariffs

Ketchup, handbags and consoles among US imports facing tariffs

Daniel Boffey in Brussels
from on (#4DBRJ)

EU threatens $20bn of tariffs in long-running battle over Boeing and Airbus subsidies

Tomato ketchup, handbags and video game consoles are among the US imports facing EU tariffs, as the European bloc hit back in the latest twist in the transatlantic dispute over aircraft subsidies.

The European commission threatened to impose tariffs on US imports worth $20bn (15.3bn) on Wednesday, publishing an 11-page catalogue of items at risk, which also included aircraft and tractors, following a World Trade Organization ruling against Washington last month.

Related: Trump threatens tariffs on $11bn of EU imports such as food and wine

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