Courtesy, curtness and my gender pay gap report | Letters
Zoe Williams wonders whether the "courtly courtesy" I showed to her is genuine or sarcastic (Why pay-gap truthers are on the rise, G2, 23 April). I'm pleased to confirm it's the former - perhaps it's my American friendliness, or perhaps it's how any decent person acts in a green room, but I've always found that debate on-camera should not preclude pleasantries off-camera. I do take issue with the description of "practically curtseying", however; Yankees ruled out this act on 4 July 1776.
From courtesy to curt - Ms Williams' description of my pay gap report as legitimising "alt-right YouTube narrative[s]" makes me wonder if she believes it is problematic or offensive for a woman, in her own time and off her own back, to show an interest in statistics - and indeed, the manipulation of statistics.
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