Inequality is the scourge of modern Britain. Is it finally about to be addressed? | Larry Elliott
A damning new study on social injustice should mirror the postwar Beveridge report, and call for wholesale changes to the economy
Reports by the great and the good are ten a penny. All too often they are an excuse for kicking a tricky political issue deep into the long grass. Only rarely do they count for much. Maybe, just perhaps, the review into inequality launched by the Institute for Fiscal Studies and headed by the Nobel prize-winning economist Sir Angus Deaton will be one that makes a difference. It has the potential to be a very big deal indeed, as important in shaping the Britain of the 21st century as the Beveridge report was in the mid-20th century.
Related: Tackling inequality means addressing divisions that go way beyond income | Gaby Hinsliff
Related: Britain risks heading to US levels of inequality, warns top economist
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