Article 4FRKZ SpaceX launches Starlink mission, deploys 60 satellites [Updated]

SpaceX launches Starlink mission, deploys 60 satellites [Updated]

Eric Berger
from Ars Technica - All content on (#4FRKZ)
  • SpaceX2-980x653.jpg

    Launch of the Falcon 9 rocket on Thursday evening from Cape Canaveral, Florida. [credit: Trevor Mahlmann ]

11:40pm ET Update: The Falcon 9 rocket launched. Its first stage landed. And then the second stage coasted for the better part of an hour before making a final burn and deploying its payload of Starlink satellites.

About 1 hour and 3 minutes after the launch, the entire stack of 60 satellites floated away from the Falcon 9's second stage. Slowly-very slowly, it appeared-the 60 satellites began to drift apart. The SpaceX webcast ended without saying whether this deployment went as anticipated, and it probably will take some time for the Air Force to begin identifying and tracking the individual satellites.


A stack of 60 Starlink satellites is released from the Falcon 9 rocket's upper stage. (credit: SpaceX webcast)

In any case, this all made for an interesting evening in space.

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