Article 4KG20 Error'd: The Parameter was NOT Set

Error'd: The Parameter was NOT Set

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#4KG20)

"Spotted this in front of a retro-looking record player in an Italian tech shop. I don't think anybody had any idea how to categorize it so they just left it up to the system," Marco D. writes.


George C. wrote, "Never thought it would come to this, but it looks like LinkedIn can't keep up with all of my connections!"


"Apparently opening a particular SharePoint link using anything else other than Internet Explorer made Excel absolutely lose its mind," wrote Arno P.


Dima R. writes, "OH! My bad, Edge, I only tried to access a file:// URL while I was offline."


"This display at the Vancouver airport doesn't have a lot of fans," Bruce R. wrote.


"Woo hoo! This is what I'm talking about! A septillion percentage gain!!" John G. writes.


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