Article 4M51S CodeSOD: Some Kind of Magic

CodeSOD: Some Kind of Magic

Remy Porter
from The Daily WTF on (#4M51S)

We all have our little bits of sloppiness and our bad habits. Most of us have more than one. One place I'm likely to get lazy, especially as I'm feeling my way around a problem, is with magic numbers. I always mean to go back and replace them with a constant, but sometimes there's another fire you need to put out and you just don't get back to it till somebody calls it out in a code review.

Then, of course, there are the folks who go too far. I once got a note complaining that I shouldn't have used 2*PI, but instead should have created a new constant, TAU. I disavow the need for tau, but my critic said magic numbers, like two, were disallowed, so I said "ciao" and tau is there now.

Angela A, who's had some experience with bad constants before, has found a new one.

// Decimal constant for value of 1static constant float THIRTY = 30.0f;

The decimal constant for the value of 1 is THIRTY.

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