Sound Transit wants feedback on station access funds
Approved by voters in 2016, the Sound Transit 3 System Plan included a $100 million System Access Fund. This year, the Sound Transit Board wants your input as it considers how to award up to $50 million of the System Access Fund for projects to improve rider connections in each of Sound Transit's five subareas.
The online open house ends August 23. Be sure to read this piece from Erica on the politics, which includes this money quote:
In other words: Cities that have made an effort to improve safety, access, and housing opportunities around light rail stations in advance should get priority for their projects.
Makes sense! While it's regrettable that cities have to do a Hunger Games-style competition for projects that provide basic pedestrian and bicycle access to transit stations, the real problem is that these municipalities too often choose to site their train stations in out-of-the-way spots where there are no businesses to "impact" or NIMBYs to complain. The resulting poor pedestrian access is entirely predictable.