Article 4NDFE Error'd: What About the Fish?

Error'd: What About the Fish?

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#4NDFE)

"On the one hand, I don't want to know what the fish has to do with Boris Johnson's love life...but on the other hand I have to know!" Mark R. writes.


"Not sure if that's a new GDPR rule or the Slack Mailbot's weekend was just that much better then mine," Adam G. writes.


Connor W. wrote, "You know what, I think I'll just stay inside."


"It's great to see that an attempt at personalization was made, but whatever happened to 'trust but verify'?" writes Rob H.


"For a while, I thought that, maybe, I didn't actually know how to use my iPhone's alarm. Instead, I found that it just wasn't working right. So, I contacted Apple Support, and while they were initially skeptical that it was an iOS issue, this morning, I actually have proof!" Markus G. wrote.


Tim G. writes, "I guess that's better than an angry error message."


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