Bernie Sanders is right, it’s time to redistribute economic power | Mathew Lawrence
His bold new plan is even more radical than the Labour party's. It would transform how companies operate and for whom
Oligarchy rules the United States: the republic has been ransacked, its commonwealth privatised, and rentierism runs amok. The richest 10% of Americans capture an estimated 97% of all capital income - including capital gains, corporate dividends and interest payments. Since the financial crisis of 2008, almost half of all new income generated in the US has gone to the top 1%. The three wealthiest people in the US now own more wealth than the bottom 160 million Americans. And the richest family in America - the Walton family, which inherited about half of Walmart's stock - owns more wealth than the bottom 42% of the American people.
Related: The pundit class continues to misunderstand Bernie Sanders - and it shows | Nathan Robinson
Related: Trump's mounting troubles in Iowa could spell doom for Republicans | Art Cullen
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