Article 4TVRB Error'd: Watch the Skies!

Error'd: Watch the Skies!

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#4TVRB)

"In light of the imminent UFO strike, I may need to reconsider my flight plans...or leaving my house in general," writes Pedro.


Howard wrote, "I guess, in Dell's eyes, it's their site and anything can be on sale if they say it is."


"Hmmmm...Do I really trust Google Play Music to manage my Google Play Music library?" Ryan S. writes.


Rob K. writes, "I'm guessing I should take advantage of the sale price before Dan gets back to his computer."


"Saying that the app isn't working correctly is a bit obvious in this case," writes Jerry.


Adrien wrote, "The exception L'opi(C)ration a ri(C)ussi (Operation succeeded) being thrown leads me to believe there is nothing wrong here and this application is simply intolerant of the French language."


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