Article 4XAQZ CodeSOD: Untested Builds

CodeSOD: Untested Builds

Remy Porter
from The Daily WTF on (#4XAQZ)

Kaylee E made an "oops" and checked in a unit test with a bug in it which caused the test to fail. She didn't notice right away, and thus the commit hit their CI pipeline and was automatically pulled by the build server. She assumed that when she checked the logs she'd see the error, but she didn't. The build completed, and Tests (0/0) ran successfully.

Now, Kaylee was new to the codebase, and since she'd been doing small changes, she'd simply written and run tests around explicitly the functionality she was testing. She hadn't yet done a full test run locally, so that was her next step. From there, it was easy to see why the build server didn't automatically run tests.

[Test]public void TestDateNew() { String date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); Assert.IsTrue(date = "26/08/2016");}

Visual Studio's Git integration also displayed a little tip above the method, announcing: 0 References | Murray Linwood, 646 days ago | 1 author, 1 change.

Now, this test could work if you mocked out the DateTime object, which is what you should do if you're testing dates. Of course, that doesn't make the test any more useful, as it's just testing basic, built-in .NET functionality. Besides, I suspect that "Murray" is already familiar with mocking.

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