Orange action and a bridge too far | Brief letters
Imogen West-Knights (Journal, 6 February) informs us that it is, by definition, impossible to level up the needy without redistribution of wealth or opportunity from the wealthiest. Back when Adam Smith became a professor in 1751, GDP per capita in the UK was some $1,800 a year (by Angus Maddison's inflation-adjusted numbers). Today it is around $39,000. Reality is telling us that the economy is not a zero-sum game.
Tim Worstall
Senior fellow, Adam Smith Institute
" Perhaps before anyone looks at the feasibility of a bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland (Report, 11 February), somebody might like to address the winter weather-related issues that have completely closed the brand new Queensferry crossing between Fife and Edinburgh - again.
Sally Cheseldine
Balerno, Edinburgh