Coronation Street getting in on the act with Lady Marmalade | Brief letters
Wages | Alien life | Northern accents | Marmalade | school | Yellowbellies
It's welcome news that the average weekly pay is now 474, but this highlights the danger of using averages to help paint a picture. I bet the majority of the 974,000 people on zero-hours contracts would be delighted to earn that amount (Lost decade limps to an end as wages creep above pre-crisis levels, 19 February).
Sam White
Lewes, East Sussex
" The proof that the life which surely exists out there is intelligent (Is anybody out there? Biggest hunt ever to begin for alien life, 15 February) is that it has so far managed to avoid us. We should take the hint and leave it in peace.
John Foster
Department of politics, philosophy and religion, Lancaster University
Related: Seville orange marmalade recipe
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