Article 51KPH CodeSOD: Translatováno

CodeSOD: Translatováno

Remy Porter
from The Daily WTF on (#51KPH)

Let's say you're a native English speaker. Let's say you're writing a library which is going to be used by Czech speakers, like our submitter Jan Krynicki. You've been told to make sure the code is usuable by them, so you decided to use C#'s annotations to provide Czech documentation of various fields.

There's just one problem: you don't know Czech. You know enough to know that the Czech equivalent of "-ed", as in "uploaded" is "-ovino", so "uploadovino" seems perfectly reasonable to you. Czech documentation, done. It might not be the best choice, but they'll get the point.

There's just one problem:

 public enum FeedProcessDirection { [Description("Uploadovino")] Downloaded = 1, [Description("Downloadovino")] Uploaded = 2 }

The "offending person", in Jan's words, is no longer working with the organization, but Jan still thinks about ways in which to get revenge.

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