The Complete Gaia – Status update, No. 1
This weekend, I spent a lot of time working on The Complete Gaia. Apart from technical work on the page layout and fixing artwork errors in over a dozen pages, I also wrote parts of the supplementary material. The anthology will contain at least the following text sections:
- Introduction to Gaia, its history and development
- The setting of Gaia (similar to the website page)
- Additional info bits about the setting of Gaia for people who can't get enough of world-building
- Description of our process to create a new page (similar to the equivalent section in the S&W anthology)
- Overview of major plot points that have been dropped during the writing process
- Comments about my favorite pages (similar to the website series)
- Listing of hidden secrets and interesting tidbits found in dozens of pages
- From script to finished page, illustrated by multiple examples
- Glossary (similar to the website page)