Looking for editor for Gaia making-of book
I've received enough applications already. Please don't apply anymore!
As you may know, the Gaia anthology will be supplemented by a making-of book. The book is now almost finished and already in a pretty good shape in my opinion. I'm now looking for an editor, who must be a native speaker, to give it a last editing pass.
The editor must look for remaining spelling mistakes, grammar errors and phrases that sound off to a native speaker. As the book isn't meant to win a literary prize, I'm not interested in (more expensive) in-depth editing. In particular, I'm not interested in extensive discussions about minute details. Moreover, significant changes would break the page layout, so those should be kept to a minimum.
The text has 24,000 words and comes in form of a nicely formatted Microsoft Word document. I'd suggest that the editor provides the fixes and comments by using Word's editing features. But I'm open to another workflow as long as it doesn't result in too much additional work on my end.
If you're interested, please send your application to novil@gmx.de which must include:
- Your rate for editing the book
- A short description why you think you'd be a good choice (references, etc.)
- If reading story spoilers would bother you
I can pay with PayPal or Transferwise.
There will probably be additional editing jobs in the future.