Article 5BQV7 Google sees major services outages two days in a row

Google sees major services outages two days in a row

Ron Amadeo
from Ars Technica - All content on (#5BQV7)

Enlarge / Gmail's logo. It still looks like this. Get used to it. (credit: Google)

Google has been having a rough time this week with service outages. It has now had two days, maybe even three days depending on who you ask, of major downtime.

On Monday, Google's authentication system went down for about an hour, taking down Gmail, YouTube, Google Maps, Google Docs, and most other Google services. Google blamed the outage on "an internal storage quota issue," which sounds a lot like Google ran out of storage space.

On Tuesday, Gmail started having problems again, which Google's status dashboard described as "a significant subset of users... seeing error messages, high latency, and/or other unexpected behavior." Many reports, like this one from TechCrunch, said emails were instantly bouncing. Rival email service ProtonMail even says some emails sent to Gmail have been "permanently lost" and will need to be sent again.

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