Character occurrence frequency 2011 to 2020
Here is a diagram that shows how often the main and supporting characters of Gaia appeared in each year. Note that there were only 28 pages in 2011.
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Number of new pages per year:
- 2011: 28 (incl. 1 cover)
- 2012: 96 (incl. 1 cover)
- 2013: 86 (incl. 2 covers)
- 2014: 100 (incl. 1 cover)
- 2015: 101
- 2016: 102 (incl. 1 cover)
- 2017: 104 (incl. 1 cover)
- 2018: 98
- 2019: 92 (incl. 2 covers)
- 2020: 90 (incl. 2 covers)
- Total: 897 (incl. 11 covers)
Here is the total number of occurrences:
- Viviana: 498 (56% of all pages)
- Ilias: 417 (46%)
- Lilith: 308 (34%)
- Ryn: 235 (26%)
- Alissa: 231 (26%)
- Eldor: 123 (14%)
- San: 123 (14%)
- Sandril: 103 (11%)
- Savos: 49 (5%)
- Ryker: 37 (4%)
- Faye: 36 (4%)
- Salacea: 35 (4%)
- Teglen: 33 (4%)
- Korahan: 28 (3%)
- Milo: 26 (3%)
- Malva: 22 (2%)