'Hopefully it makes history': Fight for $15 closes in on mighty win for US workers
Fast-food workers will walk out on Tuesday, hoping to push through a minimum-wage raise to benefit tens of millions
Fear was the overwhelming emotion Alvin Major felt when, on a chilly November morning in 2012, he went on strike at the Brooklyn KFC where he worked.
Everybody was scared," said Major. He may have been fearful, but what Major didn't know was that he was about to make American history - an early leader in a labor movement that some historians now see as the most successful in the US in 50 years.
I'm thrilled to announce that after working with leadership, we've secured a $15 minimum wage in the House's COVID relief bill!
This provision would lift nearly 1 million people out of poverty. It's long overdue that Congress enacts a minimum wage that is a living wage.
Related: Fight for $15 minimum wage boosted in Florida but Biden faces tough task
Management just has a way of knocking you down, making you feel useless, you are not worth $15
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