Cummings’s humility comes all too late for Brexit Britain | William Keegan
The relationship between PM and adviser did not collapse soon enough to save us from the damage caused by leaving the EU
No, Eyetest" Cummings is not my new best friend. However convincing his criticisms of the prime minister are, the tragedy is that the fallout between the two came much too late for the good of the country. It is not even good enough for Cummings to say that we Remainers are reasonable people".
If only this spectacular bust-up had occurred during their all- too-successful Brexit campaign. Alas, it did not, and day by day we receive further news of the disaster. Unfortunately, the general public is, understandably, so concerned about the pandemic that widespread appreciation of the Brexit damage has still to sink in.
Frost said the government was going to hire an external adviser to identify 'post-Brexit opportunities'. It seems they were so intent on shutting the door that they hadn't thought much further
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