Brave Search Engine Opens for Beta Testing
upstart writes:
Brave Search Engine Opens For Beta Testing:
It is no secret that Google and other search engines rely on showing ads to their users. When a user performs a query in the search engine, the search engine collects the user's private information such as specific location, device type, browser history, etc. to serve personalized ads. The private information is further shared with other third-party companies in the name of product development & providing more personalized ads.
In simple term, most search engines collect users' private information and share with third-party companies as most social networking sites do.There already exist some private search engines such as DuckDuckGo, Qwant, and SearX. DuckDuckGo is Google for users who want to protect their digital privacy.
A few months back, Brave, a popular privacy-respecting web browser announced to launch its own search engine. According to the announcement, Brave acquired Tailcat to build its own search engine called Brave Search. Brave Search will not be relying on tracking users across sites, harvesting users' private information, and making the industry's first independent privacy-respecting alternative to Google Chrome and Google Search, the announcement said.
Just a few days back, Brave opened its search engine for Beta testing. The beta invitation was sent to users who opted to try it on the Brave Search page.
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