Article 5TH21 Error'd: Fin

Error'd: Fin

Lyle Seaman
from The Daily WTF on (#5TH21)

At the end of the year, it's customary to reflect on the past and imagine a future.Here at Error'd, reflecting on the past is natural, but all we can do about the future is hope.So to close out the longest 2020, here are a handful of little muffed missives.

Occasional contributorPeter diagnoses a counting error."Looks like the web server had a thing or two to add to the discussion."


Long-time reader Willy M. has been sending us goodies for over a decade. This time he's a bit heated."Hard to plan finances when your 0-month energy plan ends on invalid date."


Willy is not to be outdone by multiple contributorRyan S. who shares a tasty morsel."I wasn't brave enough to chance the mystery dish."


And in with a BOGO, it'sRyan S. again, who has found something emptier than a vacuum."I guess Kohls started using qubits for inventory quantity."


Finally, to ring out the year (honestly, it really was 2021), handy shopperStewart cleans up. "Screwfix maths goes screwy: 3.89 lessthe 0.64 tax makes 14.25??? Can't eventhink what they did to make this so wrong."


Happy New Year, and we'll see you again on the other side of that arbitrary Gregorian divide.

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