The Science Behind Why Smoke Seems to Follow You Around a Campfire
upstart writes:
The science behind why smoke seems to follow you around a campfire:
[...]"What ends up happening is the fire is heating the air and that creates buoyancy, which is the scientific term for hot air rises," research scientist Kerry Anderson told in a telephone interview on Saturday.
He said because hot air is less dense, it lifts and creates a low-pressure zone that draws surrounding air into the fire in order to fill that area.
When someone stands next to a fire, they essentially create a barrier, or shadow, that blocks the surrounding air from being drawn in, creating another low-pressure zone, Anderson explained.
"And what ends up happening is the hot air that's rising ends up being brought into this vacuum, so it gets pulled toward you," he said. "And with the head at the top of your body, the smoke is drawn into your eyes."
One of my most pressing issues, to be sure!
Read more of this story at SoylentNews.