Error'd: Paint it Black
Prescriptivist Phil pronounces"Alas, I've been saying these wrong my whole life.But at least my way I can say it in one breath."At least your way I can say it within my remaining lifespan, Phil!
A different Phil sums up this image, postulating"I must have skipped this day of Set Theory"
Breaking the run of Phils, this item fromAdam offers a can't lose get-rich-quick scheme. Sign us up!
Dapper Michael R. delivers: Colourful is the new black. Since black is the color which absorbs all thevisible wavelengths, is it so wrong to considerthat every other color is just a subcategory of black?
And finally, regular reader Argle Bargle admits"This isn't a true WTF. It's in some doc I'm finding quiteuseful, but someone's going to want to be the frist to comment on it."He's quite right that it's not really a WTF but it clears the low bar for"mildly amusing" so we'll permit it.
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