Article 6HEMR What You Need To Know About Python's 'Dead Batteries'

What You Need To Know About Python's 'Dead Batteries'

from SoylentNews on (#6HEMR)

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

Python's been around in one form or another for over 30 years. Over that time, it has accumulated a wide and powerful set of modules in its standard library. These modules help developers get started with many common tasks. Fans of Python call this the "batteries included" part of the language.

But over the years, some of those batteries have died-meaning they've gone out of maintenance, or been used for technologies that are now obsolete. Some of these "dead batteries" were deprecated in Python 3.12, and will be removed entirely in Python 3.13.

So, here's a rundown-in roughly descending order of importance-of the standard library modules being removed in Python 3.13, including what each one does and what new module (if any) has replaced it.

Here are the most important deprecated standard library modules. These are the ones you are most likely still using in existing applications.

Listed as the most important modules being deprecated are cgi, cgitb, smtpd, telnetlib, nntplib, msilib, and pipes. Other deprecated modules listed in the article are: asynchat/asyncore, imghdr/sndhdr, uu, mailcap, crypt, nis, spwd, xdrlib, chunk, sunau, and ossaudiodev. Click through to the fine article if you want to see a brief description of each module and a suggested possible replacement for it.

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