When to Rob a Bank: The Freakopedia by Steven D Levitt and Stephen J Dubner – digested read
by John Crace from on (#9NRB)
'It would make economic sense if people like us got laid more'

Ten years ago, as we were about to publish a book called Freakonomics, we decided to start a companion website. At the time, we thought it was a bit of a waste of time, a marketing tool through which readers could submit their own dumb-ass ideas and where we could dump some of our dreariest and most futile observations that had no chance of making it into any of our subsequent books. But guess what? It turns out there is nothing you cannot monetise, if the brand is big enough.
PS: As economists, perhaps we should have foreseen that possibility. PPS: Some of our readers reached that conclusion a while ago, with the publication of our third book.
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