Joint Metro/ST Open Houses Begin
Photo by Atomic Taco on Flickr
The joint ST/Metro planning open houses began on Tuesday at Union Station in Seattle.
Sound Transit is looking for feedback on a potential ST3 measure (which could be affected by the current stalemate in Olympia on a transportation package). The board will consider public input in less than a month, on July 15; we should expect an updated project list in August, and a draft plan should be ready by the spring of 2016. Now is a good time to make your voice heard.
Metro, for its part, is starting some long-range planning. As per their website, one piece of feedback they're looking for is how to allocate service between express, local, and frequent routes. Frequent service appeared to have the most support at Tuesday's meeting. Metro intends to have a final long-range plan in the back half of 2016.
Check out the event calendar for an upcoming workshop near you.
Mike Orr contributed to this report.