Will we allow an equal Australia to be the victim of global economic change? | Tim Watts and and Clare O'Neil
Exclusive extract: Labor MPs Tim Watts and Clare O'Neil argue Australia must quickly adapt to the technological revolution to remain a fair society
Australia's national story is unique. A bushranger who spoke poetically about social justice is celebrated, at once a criminal and a national hero. Young Australians have distinguished themselves in war not just for their grit and bravery, but for the easy egalitarian ways between officer and soldier. Our democratic tradition was founded by a motley crew of gold diggers: women and men, local and immigrant, patrician and proletariat, united in protest under the Southern Cross. Through each of these foundation stories runs a common thread: equality.
Related: The best argument against Australian inequality | Miriam Lyons and Ian McAuley
Returns on investment in the early years are usually four to nine dollars returned for every dollar invested.
Related: Better equality in Australia is tainted by high jobless poverty rates
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