What is the most effective way to help refugees? | William MacAskill
by William MacAskill from on (#KEYF)
Donations can be helpful but are unsustainable in this instance, whereas political action could bring about real change

The picture of three-year-old Aylan Kurdi lying face down on a beach in Turkey has sparked outrage about the UK's attitude to Syrian refugees. And rightly so. Of the 4 million Syrians who have fled the country, the UK has only taken in 216. This is even though they flee both from Assad's regime and Islamic State, the latter almost a caricature of evil that the UK may be causally responsible for because of our invasion of Iraq.
Related: Why I had to organise a march showing Britons' solidarity with refugees | Ros Ereira
The economic costs to us are trivial or non-existent, but the gains to those who come to our country are vast
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