Comment KJFM Re: Used to be +1


GRSecurity Linux Kernel patch to end public accessability of stable patches.


Used to be +1 (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-09-04 14:14 (#KEBY)

I notice this lost it's +1 vote.

You people do not like one of the posters here do you?

You don't like his opinions on other things and you cannot
engage in legal debate because, though you hold yourself
out as a genius and a knowledgeable person, you know
not one thing about the law.

Oh but that poster is just a "Troll" right, can't
code himself out of a paper bag right (that's what you
were claiming before), and hasn't more than an
elementary education. Right?

Hasn't programmed 10's of 1000s (or 100,000+ rather)
of lines of code right?

Didn't graduate law school, right?

Just a misogynist troll. But packaging other people's programs, oh that's divine contribution!


Re: Used to be +1 (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-09-04 19:54 (#KFE2)

i'm not sure anyone brought up the attacks you just did....but you are starting to sound like mikeeUSA

Re: Used to be +1 (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-09-04 19:57 (#KFE3)

and it became immediately clear the submitter is looking for an argument, not a discussion. this submission will rapidly (as it has already) run out of control into a he-said-she-said pointless mound of words.

Re: Used to be +1 (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-09-05 00:27 (#KFYZ)

So because there is a lively debate you refuse to upvote this (as others requested) and are trying to delete this important story.

Other websites would upvote it for that reason alone. I think there is more to this story.

Re: Used to be +1 (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-09-05 12:20 (#KH3N)

Provide links to said websites or outlets that run this story, and you may find that it would likely get published here.So far, all that has been supplied is anonymous commentary on a company's press-release. You've done basically no leg work, or the simple fact that there isn't actually a story to do such leg work.

There are no verifiable sources, no public dissenting commentary, no links to posts from the mailing lists, nothing. just angry you. Every article I searched for tohelp bolster your submission, only took a pro-grsecurity stance. show us an angry email from a linux developer, or something.

This isn't the first submission that has been closed for being a not-story this year, and wont be the last: you're not special. It was not rejected due to lack of want for a lively debate; because i want to debate something real, not just some anonymous opinion.

Re: Used to be +1 (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-09-06 01:18 (#KJFM)

You are a stupid piece of shit that can't understand the legal issues, it's all greek to you, we get it.

That's why you're dismissive "just some opinions, brah"
You have no clue what anyone is talking about.

Fucking piece of shit idiot.

Junk Status

Marked as [Not Junk] by on 2016-05-06 23:24