Corbyn must slay the zombie ideas that blight our economy | Aditya Chakrabortty
Over and over again during the Labour conference this week we will hear a big lie. It will be lathered on during news bulletins and discussions live from Brighton, daubed across countless newspaper columns. Rather than obviously sounding like an untruth, it will be expressed in a hundred shop-worn homilies and tatters of second-hand advice. That Jeremy Corbyn, we'll hear, he must get slicker at presentation. This John McDonnell, he needs to convince taxpayers of his trustworthiness.
Related: John McDonnell offers different economic tack without sounding scary
The certainties that had underpinned Britain's economic model lay shattered and no one knew what would happen next
In a catastrophe instigated by financiers, the experts brought on to discuss what should be done were financiers
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