The Middle East meltdown and its global economic risk
Although the oil price has fallen as instability has risen across the Middle East it doesn't mean the region is less strategically important. The west ignores the region at its peril
Among today's geopolitical risks, none is greater than the long arc of instability stretching from the Maghreb to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. With the Arab Spring an increasingly distant memory, the instability along this arc is deepening. Indeed, of the three initial Arab spring countries, Libya has become a failed state, Egypt has returned to authoritarian rule, and Tunisia is being economically and politically destabilised by terrorist attacks.
The violence and instability of North Africa is now spreading into sub-Saharan Africa, with the Sahel - one of the world's poorest and most environmentally damaged regions - now gripped by jihadism, which is also seeping into the Horn of Africa to its east. And, as in Libya, civil wars are raging in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia, all of which increasingly look like failed states.
Related: The Opec oil price still matters (just not as much as before)
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