You can print money, so long as it’s not for the people | Zoe Williams
In its broadest sense, the phrase "there's no magic money tree" is just a variation on "money doesn't grow on trees", a thing you say to children to indicate that wealth comes not from the beneficence of a magical universe, but from hard graft in a corporeal reality. The pedantic child might point to the discrepant amounts of work required to yield a given amount of money, and say that its value is a social construction.
Over time, that loose, rather weak-minded meaning has ceded to a specific economic critique; Jeremy Corbyn - along with anyone who challenges the prevailing fiscal narrative - is dangerous and wrong, since he wants to print money. Money cannot be created from nowhere, because there's no magic money tree. End of.
Related: Corbyn's QE for the people jeopardises the Bank of England's independence
Related: Jeremy Corbyn has the vision, but his numbers don't yet add up | Larry Elliott
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