George Osborne has to persist with austerity, but must cut the menace | Matthew d’Ancona
by Matthew d'Ancona from on (#VDD5)
This week's spending review will be a key test of the Tory party's values, and is a chance to show it's moved on from Margaret Thatcher
Lest you were in any doubt about its purpose before, the Conservative party has left little room for confusion in 2015. The cover of its election manifesto promised "a brighter, more secure future". In July George Osborne announced "a budget that puts security first". Its conference slogan in Manchester was: "Security. Stability. Opportunity."
Related: Spending review 2015: now it's time for George Osborne to face tough choices
Related: Everything we hold dear is being cut to the bone. Weep for our country | Will Hutton
The chancellor and the Treasury chief secretary truly believe they are enacting a revolution
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