95% consensus of expert economists: cut carbon pollution | Dana Nuccitelli
A survey of economists with climate expertise finds a consensus that climate change is expensive and carbon pollution cuts are needed
The Institute for Policy Integrity at the New York University (NYU) School of Law recently published a report summarizing a survey of economists with climate expertise. The report was a follow-up and expansion of a similar survey conducted in 2009 by the same institute. The key finding: there's a strong consensus among climate economics experts that we should put a price on carbon pollution to curb the expensive costs of climate change.
The survey participants included economists who have published papers related to climate change "in a highly ranked, peer-reviewed economics or environmental economics journal since 1994." Overall, 365 participants completed the survey, which established the consensus of expert climate economists on a number of important questions.
This kind of unilateral disarmament in our economy is reckless, and it is hurting the American Dream
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