Article 23YMQ Yes, Italy’s constitution needs fixing. But not as urgently as its banks do

Yes, Italy’s constitution needs fixing. But not as urgently as its banks do

Guardian Staff
from Economics | The Guardian on (#23YMQ)
Story ImageSunday's referendum has become a vote on a cocktail of problems and pressing national issues. But its most far-reaching impact will be a financial one

'All Italians know the government has a problem when it comes to making decisions. It's just that people are divided over how to make the situation better." So said one Italian government official last week as he denied that Sunday's referendum was a verdict on Matteo Renzi's government, the euro or the European Union.

Unfortunately, the referendum has become a judgment on all three, along with the constitutional amendments it is supposed to be about, making it difficult to unpick the views of voters when all the votes are finally counted.

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