Declutter your cupboard if you want, but it won't save the planet | Frank Trentmann
Claims that we are tiring of selfish consumption aren't supported by the evidence. Without a fundamental rethink, nothing will change
Is this the year we finally get to grips with all our stuff? If so, it has been a long time coming. Forecasters and commentators say we have entered a new era where people prefer to share rather than own, and prize experiences over possessions. Retailers worry about the implications for them of a public sated on "peak stuff". Official figures suggest that Britons are consuming ever fewer resources. And witness the worldwide success of the rationalisation bible, Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organising.
Related: If having more no longer satisfies us, perhaps we've reached 'peak stuff' | Will Hutton
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