What if we gave universal income to people in biodiversity hotpots?
Writer and professor, Ashley Dawson, argues in his new book that capitalism is behind our current mass extinction crisis. But installing universal guaranteed income in biodiversity hotspots may be one remedy.
Human nature isn't driving mass extinction - as some have argued - but our acceptance of capitalism is, according to English Professor Ashley Dawson with the City University of New York.
In his recent, slim, eye-opening book, Extinction: A Radical History, Dawson lays out the case that our current global economic system is pushing the Earth ever closer to a mass extinction event - one not seen since a rogue comet ended the reign of the dinosaurs. But he also argues there are potential solutions, including giving a universal guaranteed income to populations living in or near biodiversity hotspots to counter poaching, deforestation, and other harmful activities.
Related: How humans are driving the sixth mass extinction
We do not lack alternatives to capitalism today. What we lack is the political power to overcome capitalism domination.
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