Calling the latest Greek deal a sticking plaster does disrespect to the Elastoplast
by Guardian Staff from on (#2CCPN)
Germany is saying no debt relief; the IMF warns Greece will go under without. But the best any of the players in this Athenian tragedy can hope for is just to survive
The European commission wants Greece off the political agenda before elections in the Netherlands next month: that much is clear at the end of a turbulent week of claim and counter-claim that appears to be ending in yet another messy compromise.
Greek finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos dashed to Brussels last Friday to hear about a deal that appears to delay any punishment for Athens's lack of reforming zeal until next year, when the Dutch, French, German and possibly Italian elections will be out of the way. To call it a sticking plaster would be to do disrespect to the healing powers of the humble Elastoplast.
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