Will Trump build a wall protecting US banks from global rules? | Howard Davies
Attacks on the Federal Reserve raise alarm bells - it could be forced to halt worldwide cooperation on banking regulation
As President Trump struggles to staff his administration with sympathisers who will help transpose tweets into policy, the exodus of Obama appointees from the federal government and other agencies continues. For the financial world, one of the most significant departures was that of Daniel Tarullo, the Federal Reserve governor who has led its work on financial regulation for the last seven years.
It would be a stretch to say that Tarullo has been universally popular in the banking community. He led the charge in arguing for much higher capital ratios, in the US and elsewhere. He was a tough negotiator, with a well-tuned instinct for spotting special pleading by financial firms. But crocodile tears will be shed in Europe to mark his resignation. European banks, and even their regulators, were concerned by his enthusiastic advocacy of even tougher standards in Basel 3.5 (or Basel 4, as bankers like to call it), which would, if implemented in the form favoured by the US, require further substantial capital increases for Europe's banks in particular. In his absence, these proposals' fate is uncertain.
Related: Donald Trump, the master of unreality, must be resisted at every turn | Joseph Stiglitz
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