Tape reel data recovery from a Polish MERA-400
Around May 2015, Andrea iMancausofti Milazzo got in touch withi Jakub Filipowicz, a Polish guy involved ini MERA-400 computer historical researches; Jakub was writing an emulator of this machine, but the operating system was missing and almost unavailable (details oni the mera400.pli website [Polish]).Jakub found 5 magnetic tapes at the Warsaw Museum of Technology, containing hopefully copies of thei CROOK operating system. The Museum was not able to read them. After some months, he managed to get the tapes, to try a data recovery, extracting the operating system.Fascinating story with tons of details, definitely a must-read. Interestingly enough - or sadly enough - I can't seem to find a whole lot of information on the MERA 400 in English, and since I don't speak or read Polish, I can't really give much more information than you can find in the source article. There is a Wikipedia page on the MERA 400's progenitor, the K-202.