ReactOS 0.4.5 released
ReactOS 0.4.5 has been released.Thanks to the work of Katayama Hirofumi and Mark Jansen, ReactOS now better serves requests for fonts and font metrics, leading to an improved rendering of applications and a more pleasant user experience. Your continued donations have also funded a contract for Giannis Adamopoulos to fix every last quirk in our theming components. The merits of this work can be seen in ReactOS 0.4.5, which comes with a smoother themed user interface and the future promises to bring even more improvements. In another funded effort, Hermifs Bif(C)lusca-Maifto has got MS Office 2010 to run under ReactOS, another application from the list of most voted apps. Donit forget to install our custom Samba package from the Application Manager if you want to try it out for yourself.