Labour should lead the drive to stay in the single market. Here’s why | Peter Hain
by Peter Hain from Economics | The Guardian on (#2TYZV)
Putting jobs and the economy at the top of the Brexit agenda means staying in the single market. Such a move would now attract cross-party support
As Jeremy Corbyn has argued over Brexit, Labour must prioritise jobs and the economy, and that, for 50 Labour parliamentarians who have signed a new statement, means staying in the single market and the customs union - something the TUC and business also want.
It's the largest, richest market in the world: with more than 500 million people, and worth 11tn - fully a quarter of global GDP. It accounts for half our trade, and a surplus in services of 17bn.
Does the single market mean uncontrolled EU migration? No.
Related: Can Brexit be stopped? The answer is in our hands | Jonathan Freedland
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