Labour’s new soft Brexit policy could create electoral problems | Letters
The publicity now given to the decision of Her Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition to start opposing the government on Europe is indicative of its curious failure to do so hitherto (Report, 28 August). Labour's new policy of a very soft Brexit is to be welcomed, but for all the advocates of such a policy there is the huge question mark hovering overhead - why advocate adhering to the single market and the customs union without also insisting on being part of the decision-making process on the rules of these bodies? This is the essential weakness of those who keep insisting that the UK will leave the EU.
Your leader (So far, so good. Labour's soft Brexit move changes the debate, 28 August) states that "further steps are not ruled out"; unless this includes taking the first opportunity to reverse article 50, Labour's change of direction is only taking us down a side alley.
Michael Meadowcroft