The Way Back Home 108
- Viviana: When I was six years old, my parents and I visited the artist S.A. Salvador in Aerius. I accidentally stepped on one of the paintings that were lying on the floor: "Flower Meadow in Spring."
- Viviana: The painting's currently on display in Aerius' art museum. The crack in the canvas is clearly visible on the back. Salvador will also be able to confirm the incident.
- Poster: S.A. Salvador - THE FIRST 40 YEARS
- Viviana: After his return from Mithra, Gradus Adamas sold several magical items to the merchant Ceras Jahn, including a colorful luminaire.
- Viviana: Ceras resold it to King Olrik of Cania. However, on the enclosed certificate of authenticity, a certain "Adam Sudar" is named as the finder of the artifact.
- Viviana: Have you ever wondered about the meaning of the scrambled inscription on the pedestal of the statue that Salacea donated to the temple in Greendew?
- Viviana: The inscription's been encrypted with a running key cipher. The key is the first verse of the classical song "Ode to Gaia."