Article 3H5JF Error'd: I Don't Always Test my Code, but When I do...

Error'd: I Don't Always Test my Code, but When I do...

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#3H5JF)

"Does this mean my package is here or is it also in development?" writes Nariim.


Stuart L. wrote, "Who needs a development environment when you can just test in production on the 'Just In' feed?"


"It was so nice of Three to unexpectedly include me - a real user - in their User Acceptance Testing. Yeah, it's still not fixed," wrote Paul P.


"I found this great nearby hotel option that transcended into the complex plane," Rosenfield writes.


Stuart L. also wrote in, "I can't think of a better place for BoM to test out cyclone warnings than in production."


"The Ball Don't Lie blog at Yahoo! Sports seems to have run out of content during the NBA Finals so they started testing instead," writes Carlos S.


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