Article 3HJF1 Who can save the post-Brexit economy? Black professors | Bernadine Idowu-Onibokun

Who can save the post-Brexit economy? Black professors | Bernadine Idowu-Onibokun

Bernadine Idowu-Onibokun
from Economics | The Guardian on (#3HJF1)

Encouraging continued studying would tap into the potential of black and minority ethnic people, adding billions to the UK's wealth

As the Brexit deadline creeps closer and closer, like a looming fog over the country, the UK economy is struggling. But there is a solution - pointed to in Ruby McGregor-Smith's independent review, Race in the Workplace (February 2017). "The potential benefit to the UK economy from full representation of BME [black, minority and ethnic] individuals across the labour market " is estimated to be 24bn a year, which represents 1.3% of GDP."

The report indicates that "14% of the working age population [is] from a BME background", but "many ethnic minorities [are] concentrated in lower-paying jobs". As such, they may not have access to certain facilities or skills, and so may require extra help in order to obtain access to certain careers.

Related: 14,000 British professors - but only 50 are black

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