Article 3JY26 Error'd: Mistakes From Out of the Blue

Error'd: Mistakes From Out of the Blue

Mark Bowytz
from The Daily WTF on (#3JY26)

"I got this email out of the blue from TI. By the way, my name isn't ALFONSO," writes Jamie.


"Not sure how much I'd get out of LinkedIn Premium, but I am absolutely sure of exactly how much I'd be saving," writes Vivek T.


Jonathan wrote, "Meanwhile, in a different story, I heard that Times New Roman was being held for questioning."

blockquote%3E%0A%0A%3Cp%3EBetsy R. wrote.


"The new trains on the Great Western line are so amazing that my journey home will be instantaneous," writes Stephen.


Anton G. writes, "As the saying goes, 'Technically correct is the best kind of correct.'"


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