The shopping centre where the currency is hope | Aditya Chakrabortty
Commerce has deserted Newcastle-under-Lyme's town centre. The latest in our new economics series looks at how the community is filling the gap
" Listen to Aditya Chakrabortty talking about game-changing economic models on The Alternatives podcast
For years, all Mike Riddell has seen in his trade is failure and death. But today he's at a birth - and all his hope rests on it. A new cafe is opening in the shopping centre he manages and they are throwing a party. Having brought along his wife and mum, 53-year-old Riddell goes into "full-on host mode", chatting up council officials and swapping elaborate handshakes with teenagers. Yes Sir, I Can Boogie blasts out of the stereo, and some obliging soul in a Spider-Man costume complies. Over all the music and chat, you can hear the free ping-pong tables getting a pounding. Yes sir, clip-clop, clip-clop, I can boogie, clip-clop, clip-clop.
Through the big windows, you can see the world Riddell normally faces - and it's desolate. No babble, no mucking about. Hardly anyone clip-clops past. On this Tuesday lunchtime at York Place, the most tired shopping centre in Newcastle-under-Lyme, just outside Stoke, there are few actual shoppers.
This is commonsense radicalism: retrieving things discarded by the market, whether shops or goods or people, and giving them a social value
Related: The school that shows good food is not just for posh kids | Aditya Chakrabortty
Has you or your community come up with answers to doing things differently? If so we'd like to hear from you. Share your stories via this form and we'll be in touch.
Related: How a small town reclaimed its grid and sparked a community revolution | Aditya Chakrabortty
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